Author Archive

Hated the thought of CPAP

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Here’s another story of a 60+ year old woman who was diagnosed with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  To complicate things, she was using Ambien sleep medication for the last 9 years!  She had a overnight sleep test and was told in the morning that she had to come back another night to be fitted with the breathing machine called the CPAP.  She did not want to sleep with a machine!  How dehumanizing?!?!?!?

Well, we did her NoSnore Therapy program and after the second or third NoSnore day, she slept without having taken any meds for sleep.  She was even tired around bedtime which is unusual for her.  Her husband said that he hasn’t heard her snore any.  She is waking up in the morning feeling rested.  She is amazed that she hasn’t taken any Ambien which she has had to do for the last nine years!

These are 100% true stories and are the reason that I continue this revolutionary therapy.  Feel free to contact me for a no-charge consultation on the phone or Skype.  My email is  I look forward to helping you soon!

Senior Lady who didn’t like her CPAP

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

This is a short testimonial about a senior woman who was diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  She has been using the CPAP reluctantly.  But enjoyed having energy in the morning and feeling rested were worth it to her to put up with it for about 4-5 months.  To complicate things, she has a really small jaw.  In fact, she has had a chin implant for cosmetic reasons.  This small jaw is a complicating factor in the “crowding of the mouth” which is a major factor for OSA for some.

 She came for a no-charge consultation before being prescribed the CPAP.  She left my office saying that she would try what the medical doctors were recommending.  Well it didn’t take her too long before she called my office to undergo NoSnore Therapy.  By the third visit or so, she stopped using her CPAP.  This decision was ENTIRELY her own decision, but she woke up with great energy.  More importantly, her husband said that she wasn’t making “funny noises” while she was sleeping.  He do NOT notice any apneas!

NoSnore Therapy has been getting result like this for three years.  So feel free to go to my testimonial section of website to read more testimonials about those who now sleep better as a result of “thinking outside of the box.”

NoSnoreTherapy helps those with Snoring and Sleep Apnea.

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

If you haven’t found a solution to your sleep disordered breathing problem (snoring, sleep apnea, CPAP intolerance), then check out for more info.

Hello world!

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008

Who here has a hard time with their CPAP?  BiPAP and NasalPAP intolerant?